Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cube Update 03.27.10

Since I've received a complete Tenth Edition set, I've updated the Cube, adding eight cards I didn't previously own and removing eight cards to balance it out.

Blue (1)

Added: Arcanis the Omnipotent
Removed: Rishadan Airship

Black (1)
Added: Graveborn Muse
Removed: Betrayal of Flesh

Red (4)
Added: Manabarbs; Mogg Fanatic; Siege-Gang Commander; Squee, Goblin Nabob
Removed: Changeling Berserker; Flameblast Dragon; Keldon Vandals; Pandemonium

Green (1)
Added: Troll Ascetic
Removed: Reclaim

Artifact (1)
Added: Platinum Angel
Removed: Guardian Idol

Complete card list with changes after the jump.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Cube Update: First draft decklists

Finally took the Cube through its first draft session Saturday night, a four-player draft that went three rounds plus a tiebreaker fourth round. We had a lot of fun trying this out and I can't wait to do it again. You can see all four deck lists after the jump.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Insomniac free write

Warning: this post was written at 7 am during a severe bout of insomnia. It's very personal and not for the faint of heart. Read at your own risk.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Video Projects

This is an update on various video projects I'm working on.

For starters, "Life Under Rock," the title of this blog, is a video series of movie reviews I hope to get started on soon. I have ideas for at least two videos so far and am currently writing the script for the first.

Secondly, I may be taking up a little acting soon... I can't say too much about this project until it gets underway, so stay tuned :)

Magic Cube: 03.05.10

This is my Magic: the Gathering Cube for cube draft format. (For details on the Cube, see This will be updated periodically as I make changes. Only played with this Cube once; hoping to generate some more interest from local players.

Hi folks...

I'll be keeping this blog primarily for writings and articles about Magic, life in general, or news about various projects I'm working on. It seems a better place to go than Facebook Notes, which nobody ever reads anyway.